What Can I do with my working Bijou Poodle ?
Bijou's Working Poodles Doing what they Love to Do :
MAY 2014 ~

~ May 18, 2014 ~
Joy earns her Barn Hunt Instinct Title !!

~ May 18, 2014 ~
Faith earns her Barn Hunt Instinct Title

~ May 17, 2014 ~
Princeton, Ontario
Judge: Lee Warden
Dare earns her "Barn Hunt Instinct" Title - RATI

~ May 18, 2014 ~
Ula earns her Barn Hunt Instinct Title !!

~ May 2014 ~
Glory earns her Barn Hunt Title !!

~ May 2014 ~
Glory checking out the Lure Coursing

~ May 2014 ~
Princeton, Ontario
Judge: Laurie Soutar
Truffle earns 15 more points towards her UWPCH title needing 70 more

~ April 20, 2014 ~
Ruby had 2 qualifying runs and is now certified to race in
CARA Racing
Ruby then competed in 3 meets and won 2 of them

~ April 2014 ~
Razz Places 1st and 2nd in Cara Racing

4th Place from Judge Marleen Burford
Rally Novice Title !!

~ May 10-11, 2014 ~
AKC Great Columbia Obedience Club Trials
3rd place from AKC Judge Lynn Eggers

~ May 25, 2014 ~
Princeton, Ontario
Judge: Laurie Soutar
Dare earns her UKC weight pulling title !!
JUNE 2014 ~

~ June 7, 2014 ~
Judge: Cheryl Lantz
Paris wins 3 Best Champions
Best of Breed and Group 4th

~ June 7, 2014 ~
Judge: Cheryl Lantz, Judge: Joy Leiskau
Ruby wins 2 Best Champion Class

~ June 8, 2014 ~
Princeton, Ontario
Judge: Kim Alexander
Dare earns 2 URO2 legs with score of 95

~ June 8, 2014 ~
Judge: Robin Clark
Truffle finishes her Weight Pulling Championship Title earning 35 points !
not only is she physically sound pulling 15x her body weight (without effort)
Look at her amazing dark brown colour you can't find anywhere else in the world

~ June 6, 2014 ~
Glory wins Best Champion, Best of Breed and a Group 3rd
Her first Grand Champion leg
Judge: Jennine DePalma
~ June 7, 2014 ~
Glory wins Best Champion Best of Breed and a Group 3rd
Glory's second Grand Champion Leg
Judge: Pennie Jackson
~ June 7, 2014 ~
Glory wins Best Champion
Judge: Cheryl Lantz
~ June 8, 2014 ~
Glory wins Best Champion, Best of Breed, Group 4th
Glory's third Grand Champion Leg
Judge: Joy Leiskau

~ June 12, 2014 ~
Reva is UKC's #1 Standard Poodle for 2013

~ June 11, 2014 ~
Glory is UKC's #6 Standard Poodle for 2013
Glory was entered into the MCPC Specialty
UKC/AKC Judge: Eleanor Main, a Poodle breeder, pulled Glory and
two silvers out trying to decide Best of Breed out of 22 other Standard Poodles
She selected a silver and told us that she loved Glory but her tail was not up all the time.

~ June 11, 2014 ~
UKC/AKC Judge: Roland Pelland, selected Glory for Best Champion
and Best of Breed over 21 other Standard Poodles at UKC's Prestigious Premier Dog Show
~ June 12, 2014 ~
UKC/AKC Judge: Tracy Daugherty pulled us aside to tell me that Glory
had amazing movement and shoulders

Karen Winters, Mary Anne N., Laura, Crystal Avon

~ June 12, 2014 ~
Dare achieves her Nosework PT1 Title !!

~ June 11, 2014 ~
Dare pulles 796 lbs to earn 10 more points towards her weight pull championship title
(Dare did Weight Pull, Nosework and had successful CERF testing, all the same day !)

~ June 11/12, 2014 ~
Truffle pulls 1522 lbs to earn 15 more points towards her weight pull champion excellence title

~ June 12, 2014 ~
Valor earns his AKC Canine Good Citizen Title

~ June 12, 2014 ~
Joy earns her AKC Canine Good Citizen Title

~ June 12, 2014 ~
Price earns his AKC Canine Good Citizen Title

~ June 12, 2014 ~
Razz and daughter Glory and Dare

Razz, Reva and Dare
Reva's father is Razz and Reva's mother is Dare

~ June 22, 2014 ~
Durham, NC
Karat received her URO1 Title !!
Scores of 91 and 95, with third place and second place wins.
Judge: Silke Satzinger
(This is less than a week after she received her CGC Title)

~ June 28, 2014 ~
Princeton, Ontario
Pepper earns her UKC Nosework titles PT1, PT3, PT4, PT5
Pepper also earned her NCC Title and a 4th class rosette
and she earned 1 leg towards her NNV Title
Judges: Cheryl Carlson and Linda Ringle

~ June 28, 2014 ~
Princeton, Ontario
Dare earns her UKC Nosework titles PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5
Dare also earned her NCC with 2nd and 4th Place in Class
and she earned 1 leg towards her NNV Title
Judges: Cheryl Carlson and Linda Ringle

~ June 28, 2014 ~
Judges: Cheryl Carlson and Linda Ringle
Glory accomplishes her UKC Nosework PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5 Titles !!
(not bad after 5 days of training)

~ June 30, 2014 ~
Princeton, Ontario
Judge: Linda Ringle
Ula earns her PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5 Titles !!

~ June 30, 2014 ~
Judge: Linda Ringle
Because of other conflicts poor Faith was only able to enter 1 Trial
However she did me proud by accomplishing her PT1 Title with limited training
JULY 2014 :

~ July 12, 2014 ~
Orangeville, ON
Saugeen Schutzhund Club
SV Judge: Bogdan Sergo
Crystal and Finnegan earn a BH Title
They are only the 5th confirmed Standard Poodle team
to earn this prestigious tittle in the WORLD !!
and of course the first RED STANDARD POODLE !!
AUGUST 2014 :

~ August 10, 2014 ~
Price learning what the "rat" is for "Barn Hunt" sport

"Look mom, it's here" !!!

~ August 10, 2014 ~
Standard Poodle doing "Ring Sport" (protection) ? Why not !
Glory with Ryan Venables for the French Ring Sport assessment
she has a long way to go to catch up to brother Finnegan !

~ August 16, 2014 ~
Rockton, Ontario
Grand River Kennel Club
Judge: Darryl Hurst
Glory finishes her Grand Championship with a Group 4th !!

~ August 17, 2014 ~
Rockton, Ontario
Grand River Kennel Club
Judge: Phil Wendling

~ August 16, 2014 ~
Rockton, Ontario
Grand River Kennel Club
Judge: Deb Beean
Dare finishes her URO2 Title !!

~ August 16, 2014 ~
Rockton, Ontario
Grand River Kennel Club
Judge: Deb Beean
Ula gets her first URO3 leg and a High in Class win !!

~ September 2014 ~
Rose accomplishing her CGC Title !

Finnegan and Crystal winning Best in Show and Reserve Best In Show
North Jersey UKC Dog Show
OCTOBER 2014 :

September 26, 2014
Karat honoured for her many accomplishments
United Poodle Breed Association Show
held at Hickory NC

~ November 2014 ~
Paris wins Reserve Best in Breed
Locke, NY

~ November 1, 2014 ~
Locke, NY
Glory wins 5 Best Breed Group 4th and Group 3rd
Eight breeds in Gun Dog Group
Judge Glenda Bruneau - Group 4th
Judge Paul Bruneau - Group 3rd

~ November 1, 2014 ~
Locke, NY
Glory wins 5 Best Breeds, Group 1st, 2nd, 3rd and a 4thPlace
Eight breeds in Gun Dog Group
Oct 31 Judge: Jeannine DePalma - Group 4th
Nov 1 Judge: Darryl Hurst - Group 2nd
Nov 1 Judge: Margaret Doster - Group 1st
Nov 2 Glenda Bruneau - Group 3rd
Nov 2 Paul Bruneau - Group 3rd

Dare wins 4 Reserve Best in Breeds

November 9, 2014
Finnegan accomplishes his UROC title
judge Kim Alexander-Thomson
and just for fun he also passed the CGCA (advanced) test !

Xyla earning her AKC Star Puppy Certificate

Glory finishes out the year placing 3rd best standard Poodle in the world in UKC's Top Ten 2013

~ December 2014 ~
Truffle earning her Barn Hunt Instinct Title !!

Burlington Obedience Training Club show
Niko earns his Rally Advanced Title
Earning his last leg with Judge Janet Induni

Truffle getting her Christmas photo done by Crystalizing Images

Truffle, Rose and of course Finnegan

Photo curtesy of Laurie Rollins
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