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We don't just "say" We have Total Dogs
We have the Titles and "TOTAL DOG AWARDS" to prove it !!

"Pedigree indicates what the animal should be.
Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be.
But performance indicates what the animal actually is."
~ Author Unknown ~

~ FEBRUARY 2017 ~

February 25, 2017
Ula earns her UKC SPOT title !!

February 26, 2017
Halifax, NS
Cherub's first dog show she achieves 6 points !!
Judge: Allan Pepper
Judge: Wendy Anderson
Judge: Lee Steeves

February 26, 2017
Daisy at her first dog show, just visiting, getting used to Showing
and getting professionally scissored up
(Thanks Allie !!)
~ MARCH 2017 ~

Bijou Poodles attend a Health Fair and get Hearts and Eyes Certified clear of issues !

Bijou Poodles very busy training and getting ready for a busy
summer full of doing our Dog Sports with our fur kids !

March 25, 2017
Finnegan earns 2 UKC Agility qualifying scores
and a 3rd high in Class !!

March 25, 2017
Charm earns her UKC Agility title
and a 2nd Class Placement !
APRIL 2017

Charm earns her URO1 Title and UROII legs

Fredericton, NB
Judge: Thomas Alexander winners Bitch
Judge: Sandy Alexander winners Bitch
Cherub Finishes her CKC Championship in 3 Shows !!

Charm takes and wins Best of Breed for CARA and PRAC !!
Charm wins her next race against a long haired whippets !!
Charm now has 2 BOB and 6 points for her standings
Poodle Racing Association of Canada

Judge Debra Florek
Poppy wins best female for her 1st competition win and 25 points

Judge Debra Florek
Judge Kevin Izard-carroll
Spice and Kahlua win Best in Show Brace

Judge Kevin Izard-carroll
(yes wrong judge, oops)
Bell wins Best Female and her first competition win and Group 4th
Judge Monica Park
Bell wins Best Female for her second competition win

Judge Kevin Izard-carroll
Spice wins Best of Breed and a Group 4th

April 29, 2017
Spice helps out a Pee-wee Handler who placed 2nd

Judge William Hossler
Judge Monica Parks
Kahlua wins Best of Breed and her second win
towards her Grand Championship and a Group 4th

Rockton, Ontario
Judge Kim Alexander-Thomson
Pyro at her first Rally Obedience Trial
Pyro places 2nd high in Class !!
Pyro passes 2 more trials to finish her URO1 Title

Rockton, Ontario
Judge Monica Parks

Judges Rick Gann, Tim Parr and Sandra Philips
Norman, Oklahoma
Alt Reserve Best in Show wins and New UKC Champion !!
MAY 2017

May 6, 2017
Princeton, Ontario
Charm achieves her first leg in Novice Exteriors

May 6, 2017
Fredricton dog show
Judge Alexander (MB)
Brightly takes Winner's Bitch

May 7, 2017
Fredricton dog show
Judge - Michael Shoreman
Brightly's second show in her Continental
Brightly takes Winner's Bitch

Dartmouth, NS
May 13, 2017
Judge Michael Woods or Martin Doherty
Brightly takes winner's bitch

Dartmouth, NS
May 13, 2017
Judge Michael Woods or Martin Doherty
Cherub takes Select

May 14, 217
Dartmouth, NS
Judge Margaret Jones or Peter Machen
Brightly takes winner's bitch and finishes her CKC Championship !!

May 14, 2017
Dartmouth, NS
Blush out in her first show with her continental (fancy) clip
She is liking her Handler Allison Foley

Tantramar Kennel Club
May 20, 2017
Springhill, Nova Scotia
Judges: Janet Lobb and Joe Lobb
Blush wins 2 Winners Bitch towards her CKC Championship

Tantramar Kennel Club
May 20, 2017
Springhill, Nova Scotia
Judges: Janet Lobb and Joe Lobb
Daisy's first show !!

Tantramar Kennel Club
May 20, 2017
Springhill, Nova Scotia
Judges: Janet Lobb and Joe Lobb
Cherub wins two Selects !

Tantramar Kennel Club
May 21, 2017
Springhill, Nova Scotia
Judges Cheryl Paterson or Rita Walker
Daisy earns winner's bitch for her first points towards her CKC Championship !

Tantramar Kennel Club
May 21, 2017
Springhill, Nova Scotia
Judges Cheryl Paterson and Rita Walker
Cherub earns two more Select wins

May 29, 2017
Susque-Nango Kennel Club
Windsor, NY
Charm earns her Farm Dog Certification !!
Judges: Stephanie Crawford and Marilyn Conner
~ JUNE 2017 ~

June 2, 2017
Princeton, Ontario
Judge Cecile Chapin
Kaluah earns her first leg for Coursing !

June 2, 2017
Princeton, Ontario
Judge Cecile Chapin
Pyro earns her first leg for Coursing !

June 3, 2017
South Shore Kennel Club
Judge: Michael Lanctot
Daisy gets a Puppy Group 1st !!!

June 3, 2017
South Shore Kennel Club
Judge: Michael Lanctot
Blush achieved 2 points !!

June 3, 2017 - Show 2
South Shore Kennel Club
Judge: Patricia Lanctot
Daisy gets a Puppy Group 1st !!!

June 3, 2017 - Show 2
South Shore Kennel Club
Judge: Patricia Lanctot
Blush achieved 1 points !!

June 3, 2017 - Show 2
South Shore Kennel Club
Judge: Patricia Lanctot
Cherub achieved 2 points !!

Princeton, Ontario
Judge Cecile Chapin
Spice earns her first qualifying run for Lure Coursing

June 4, 2017
Princeton, Ontario
Charm earns more Coursing Points towards her UKC CAS title

June 4, 2017
Princeton, Ontario
Photo of Glory at her starting weight
Glory finished the weekend winning
Most Weight Pulled by % in all 5 trials! (over much more Macho breeds)
She is now up to 65 points towards her UKC Weight Pull Championship !!

June 4, 2017
South Shore Kennel Club
Judge Valeria Gervais
Daisy gets 1 point a Puppy Group 1st !!!

June 4, 2017
South Shore Kennel Club
Judge Valeria Gervais
Cherub gets "select" bitch

June 4, 2017
South Shore Kennel Club - show 2
Judge Richard Lopaschuk - with held placements on many dogs
Daisy gets Best puppy in Breed, Best puppy in Group

June 10, 2017
Sarnia, Ontario
Charm got her first Novice Interior leg, and her second Novice Exterior leg
finish that title (she already had one), Both trials she was 2nd in her class.

June 11, 2017 - show 2
Rockton, On
Judge Deb Bean
Kahlua 100/100 for her first URO1 leg
(she would have had 2 more but her owner screwed her up)

June 10/11 2017
Rockton, Ontario
Judge Deb Bean
Spice earns 97, 97, 99 (first or second in class) to complete her URO1 Title !!

(sorry old photo)
June 10/11 2017
Rockton, Ontario
Judge Deb Bean
Faith earns 97, 98, 99 (Second place in Class) to complete her URO1 Title !!

June 10/11 2017
Rockton, Ontario
Judge Deb Bean
Pyro earns 97, 99, 97 Two 1st place in class, to complete her URO2 Title !!
(She would have gotten higher scores, but her handler kept messing her up)

June 10/11 2017
Rockton, Ontario
Judge Deb Bean
Price earns 97, 98, 99 (second and Third in class) to complete his URO2 Title !!

~ June 2017 ~
Judge Emily Clinansmith
Charm earns her AKC Novice Trick Dog Title !!!

June 11, 2017
Rockton, On
Judge Deb Bean
Spice earns perfect score for temperament testing earning her a SPOT-ON Title !!

June 11, 2017
Rockton, On
Judge Deb Bean
Pyro earns perfect score for temperament testing earning her a SPOT-ON Title !!

June 11, 2017
Rockton, On
Judge Deb Bean
Kahlua earns perfect score for temperament testing earning her a SPOT-ON Title !!

June 11, 2017
Sarnia, Ontario
Charm qualified in both her runs, got her 1st Advanced exterior leg
with FIRST in her class and HIGH IN TRIAL !!!!
And qualified in Novice Interiors to finish that title.

June 24, 2017
Glory earned her CGC Title
Glory also earns herÂ
AKC Novice Trick Dog Title !!

Karat earned her URO2 title under Judge Joan Klinger with scores of 94, 98 and 97.
She also earned one CDSP Novice B obedience leg
from Judge Nicole Tate with a score of 189 to get first place.

Evangeline Kennel Club
June 24/25, 2017
Berwick, Nova Scotia
Judge Polly Smith - Best of Breed and Group 2nd
Judge Dr Robert Smith - Best of Breed and Group 2nd
Joyce Gagne - Best of Breed
Cherub is a New CKC Grand Champion
and only the 3rd brown Grand Champion in CKC HISTORY !!!

Evangeline Kennel Club
June 24/25, 2017
Berwick, Nova Scotia
Judge Joyce Gagne
Blush earns Winner's Bitch

Evangeline Kennel Club
June 25, 2017
Berwick, Nova Scotia
Judge Polly Smith - Winners Bitch
Dr Robert Smith - Winners Bitch
Judge Honey Glendinning:
Daisy earns Best Puppy in Breed, Best Puppy in Group
Daisy wins Best in Breed and Group 3rd !!!
~ JULY 2017 ~

Kawartha Kennel Club
July 2, 2017
Norwood, Ontario
Judge Cheryl Myers-Egerton
Winners Bitch
Daisy is a New CKC Champion !!

July 15-16, 2017
Elginburg ON
Maple Leaf Kennel Club
Charm qualified in 4 more UKC Coursing runs runs
judge Moyra Hamilton

(photo of her aunt Truffle, just to illustrate what the sport is)
July 8-9, 2017
Oxford Dog Sports
Judge Penny Haynes
Charm qualifies for 2 Novice legs in UKC Barn Hunt !!

Lady Slipper Kennel Club
July 22 -23, 2017
Prince Edward Island
Blush under Judge Wayne Thompson- Winner's Bitch, to finish her Championship !!

Lady Slipper Kennel Club
July 22 -23, 2017
Prince Edward Island
Judge Thomas Touzel, Judge Doreen Marsh, Judge Shirley Limoges, Judge Yvonne Savard
Not sure which judge, Oscar wins Best of Winners

Lady Slipper Kennel Club
July 22 -23, 2017
Prince Edward Island
Judge Thomas Touzel, Judge Doreen Marsh, Judge Shirley Limoges, Judge Yvonne Savard
Not sure which judge, Lily wins Winner's Bitch

Lady Slipper Kennel Club
July 22 -23, 2017
Prince Edward Island
Judge Thomas Touzel, Judge Doreen Marsh, Judge Shirley Limoges, Judge Yvonne Savard
Not sure which judge, Brightly earns Select

Princeton, Ontario
July 26, 2017
Paris earns her CKC Canine Good Neighbour Title !
Way to go Crystal and Paris !!

July 29, 2017
Princeton, Ontario
Caitlyn handling while I worked
Charm finished her UKC Advanced Containers
one pass in Advanced interiors, needing one more to title!!

August 12-13, 2017
K9 Fanciers
St. Johns, MI
Charm earns her UKC Advanced Exterior Nosework Title, placing 4th place in her class !!
(huge classes, really large entries!)
and earned her first Novice Vehicle leg

August 19, 2017
Judge Heidi Kadoke
Kahlua earns her URO1 Title with 4th place

August 20, 2017
Rockton, Ontario
Judge Heidi Kadoke
Spice earns her URO2 Title (99 !)
with 3 High in Class placements !!

August 20, 2017
Rockton, Ontario
Judge Heidi Kadoke
Poppy earns her URO1 and a HIGH IN CLASS !!
Beauty and Brains

New Brunswick Kennel Club Inc.
AUGUST 18, 19 & 20, 2017
Judge William Byrne - Lily gets best of winners
Judge Kim Ramey-LeBlanc - Lily gets Best of Winners

New Brunswick Kennel Club Inc.
AUGUST 18, 19 & 20, 2017
Brightly earns 4 points
~ September 2017 ~

Sudbury & District Kennel Club Inc.
September 15, 2017
Judge Michel Bouchard - Show 1
Oscar takes Best of Breed and his major
Oscar has a total of 4 points towards his CKC Championship.

Sudbury & District Kennel Club Inc.
September 15, 2017
Judge Ray Smith - Show 2 - Bell takes Best of Breed and finishes her CKC championship (again)
James Reynolds - Show 6 - Bell takes Best of Breed
~ October 2017 ~

Welland CKC show
Lily taking Winners Bitch
Judge Steve Dainard

October 28, 2017
Rockton, ON
Grand River Kennel Club
Spice and Kahlua earn another Best in Show Brace !!

Grand River Kennel Club
Rockton, Ontario
Razz competes in Veteran Class at 11 years of age

Grand River Kennel Club
Rockton, Ontario
Lily takes Winners Bitch 3x

Truffle, Rose and of course Finnegan

Photo curtesy of Laurie Rollins
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