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Something to think about BEFORE
you tell someone what their puppies are worth.
I bought a house based on it having a big yard for my dogs to run in
And enjoy. And private enough, so neighbors would not be disturbed
by my hobby. I then fenced and fortified the property, to the extent that would
rival any movie star trying to keep the paparazzi out
Everything has to be "dog proofed" including dog proof gardening
and mud proofing. The job never ends.
My living room contains dog crates, dog beds, zillions of dog toys
and leather couches covered in pet blankets with the impossible hope they
will survive a long time, of dog wear.
There is no coffee table
because then the dogs could not play or sleep there.
My garage is dedicated to holding dog supplies
while my car, snow blower, lawn mower live outside.
I have a closets that are full of dog bedding, Closet full of whelping supplies
and clean folded towels and pads and other assorted whelping supplies
My other closet is full of dressy dog show clothing.
Daily I wear scrubs, because anything else will get covered
in muddy dog prints, or bleach I use for cleaning.
I have 3 freezers dedicated to my RAW dog food and I drive hours to get the food
I have chosen to feed, spending all my physical energy loading and unloading 33 forty lbs bags,
into and from my van into those freezers, because I want to ensure my growing pups
eat the healthiest food and start on life that I can provide.
My fridge is full of dog treats, bones, vaccines and other refrigerated medication
I will need in caring for my dogs. My monthly dog food bill, rivals most people's yearly food bill.
Its OK though, I don't need the fridge as my food consists of what I can grab on the go.
Dog shows that offer home cooked meals or BBQ are Gourmet dining to me.
I researched and discovered the best most expensive dog bedding
for my moms and pups called "Veterinary Fleece"
that had to be especially ordered and imported in.
Same fleece that I will load up weekly and drive to a coin laundry to wash,
because it is too thick to wash at home, spending a lot of money and hours,
making sure mom's bedding is cleaned perfectly, so my pups are healthy, happy and clean.
Deciding my wood whelping box was just not good enough, or sanitary enough.
I spent years designed building and eventually, I travelled to a fabricator
with my drawings and had my design professionally fabricated.
The perfect whelping/puppy box made of plastic material
that is not only the right size, to ensure mom and pups are comfortable, but also
the right design and size so that pups begin potty training
The plastic material also allows me to sanitize my box
so pups will have no bacteria or diseases.
I don't take vacations because it is difficult to trust that someone
Will properly care for my dogs when I am away. I would also miss my dogs too much.
I saved up all my pay checks to buy an RV, so the only "vacations"
I take are to dog shows, camping in my RV so all my fur kids can come with me.
My cars have to be able to hold my dogs safely and comfortably.
So I have upgraded each time, I needed a vehicle
until I have finally ended up with a high roof
Extended van, that fits all my kids and can trek us, all seasons to Vet appointments,
dog Sporting events, and road trips delivering pups to the airport or to new puppy homes.
Paying costly monthly payments and insurance rates
because of the size and style of this dog vehicle.
As soon as my eyes open, 24/7 365 days a year
I'm out of bed and letting my fur kids outside
to potty and feeding and caring for any pups I may have.
Everyone toilets and eats before I do. And the same before I go to bed.
Personal plans revolve around breeding, and or delivering puppies.
They are made around heat dates, whelp dates,
puppies going to their new homes vet dates and dog sporting events.
During whelping, myself and my house, looks like a scene from "Dexter"
Whelping is a marathon. We hunker down for 12-36 hours depending on mom.
That means no sleep, constantly awake and tending to Mom's comfort and needs.
Migraines, back aches, living in same PJ's and irritability is the norm.
I eventually order a meal of Pizza online
because I don't dare leave mom for more than a few minutes at a time,
for fear I will miss a puppy being born, which never fails to happen.
I scare the pizza delivery guys so badly, they don't even wait for a tip.
OK I scare myself, when I look in the mirror, covered in blood and bits
black shadows under my eyes, teeth coats in...well last meal
and hair all askew, I look like a Zombie.
But my mother has been bathed, has clean dry bedding, eaten and drank
and been outside to toilet often. She is comfortable and her needs are taken care of.
Pups are warm, dry and nursing contentedly.
I look down through blurry eyes and see mom, with her pups
she is looking up at me with such pride, big grin on her face and I melt.
Most of the time, my conversations with co-workers revolve around my dogs.
Even though I promise myself every time, "no dog talk" this time.
I see their eyes glaze over during my many "to me" amusing anecdotes.
My acquaintances, only consist of fellow dog breeders and dog show people,
because we share a common bond. At dog sporting events we network
sharing information on feeding/food, training, dog supplies, dog toys
medical information and learn about many natural/holistic remedy's.
I spend hours online researching pedigrees, lineage, newest or best practices
to treat, house, train, raise dogs, what are the newest toys, grooming products
places to purchase food or supplies from.
All to ensure I’m doing the best I can for my dogs and or pups.
My dogs have the latest and greatest of everything
even if it means my getting a second job or working overtime.
Some days I'm too exhausted to get out of bed, but I push myself
because my dogs need me and I find the energy to clean, feed, play
poop scoop, bath, take puppy video and upload, answer puppy people
emails answering puppy raising questions.
There are no sick days at home, for me.
Many people wouldn't understand how it feels to have invested hours upon hours
into a weak puppy to ultimately lose it and how it can feel the same as losing a loved one
or the joy I feel when all the invested hours have paid off in that little one lives and thrives.
Many people would not understand how helpless it feels to have pups or dogs get sick
and nothing you or the Vet tries seems to be working to get them better.
Or the devastating feeling when loosing a mother during delivery.
I have learned to be proficient at giving Vaccines, subq fluids, worming, Microchipping
removing dewclaws and docking tails and diagnosing and treating various ailments.
I also have the experience to know the signs that one of my fur kids are just not themselves
or a puppy is not doing as well as they should and when they need professional attention.
My Vet knows me by my first name, and has witnessed me
cry over my losses, failed health test results and or rejoice over
my fur kids passing health tests, countless times. Of course finding
a breeder friendly knowledgeable vet was not easy and I went through many
during my search for a new vet, after my old time vet retired at age 78.
Because not all vets are created equal and breeders need to know the difference
between a flashy friendly vet and one that actually knows
and cares about what they are doing and services they are providing.
Only people in this hobby, can fully imagine the amount of planning
creating and holding your newborn, feels, just such joy and satisfaction.
Training, learning together, building an incredible relationship and eventually
entering events and winning at shows and or Trials, passing health tests,
proving your breeding program is working and is worthy.
Then the absolute devastation of holding those same joyous bundles in old age
as they leave this world . Only to be repeated again each generation
knowing that they just don't live as long as we would like.
Sitting with a nervous new mom, having her first litter.
She depends on me to help get her through her delivery.
Those wide eyes looking at me with total trust that I can not fail her.
I brought her into the world and now I help guide her puppy out of her
taking off the membrane that puppy is gift wrapped in, and hear that first cry
from my cleaning and stimulating it's lungs. Just as I have done with her great grandmother
grandmother and mother before her, is too a unique feeling, to articulate.
I know the next few weeks, will be filled with daily cleaning, laundry, feeding
stimulating, caring, training, young pups, having very little sleep.
But I also know many new homes are trusting me to give them the healthiest
most well adjusted, confident, loving puppy for their family.
I will not fail them. So I give my best, try to stay positive, daily
regardless of how tired or what other issues, I have been dealing with.
I am a reputable breeder.
I am not cruel, dumb, uncaring or criminal.
I take great responsibility for every life I bring into this world
and ensure they go to a wonderful, loving and perfect home.
An extension of the same love and care they received while in my own home.
I will also be there 24/7, 365 days of the year, for any of my puppy people
to aid them in working through any issues that they may encounter, during the life of their puppy.
I will take back any of my pups, at any age, for any reason
none of my pups I produced will ever be unwanted, or found in shelters.
Relationships, forget it.
No one else can compete with the constant time spent on my dogs.
Though that is not from lack, of having tried.
Dogs just give me way more joy than a relationship ever could.
It would take a special person, to accept a Dog Breeder's life choices.
I am not raking in money, while sitting on my butt.
Every penny I have
I earned through blood, sweat, hard work and tears.
And every penny generated goes directly back into the dogs
either by improving their yard, bedding, toys, Event Entry fees, photos
Food, equipement, repairing and dog proofing my home, the list is endless.
Every spare minute I have, is spent on cleaning, training, grooming
laundry, answering emails, planning, evaluating, learning, going to their Dog Sports.
One of my greatest joys is a healthy puppy going to a wonderful appreciating home.
The cards of thanks, and the pictures of my puppies with their new families
some 15 years later, are the fringe benefits of my efforts. One of the best compliments
I will ever receive, is when my puppy people come back to me
next family addition.
I am an animal lover, nurse, midwife, heavy laborer
customer service representative and marketer and