I often get asked "should I get pet insurance"?
and in the early 2000's I would say "NO" however today
There is better pet insurance companies that are also covering
more and more and today it is just making economical sense to shop around and get it.
HOWEVER Insurance is also giving Veterinarians a "free for all" and subjecting our pets
to many unnecessary procedures and investigations and TORTURE that often our pets do not need.
ie doing a bowel biopsy of a puppy or dog that has Diarrhea ! Results will always be:
Irritated and inflamed bowel (there just saved you some money).
So just because you have insurance does not mean you should accept everything a Vet suggests
just because it is covered by insurance. You will still need to use your common sense !
As well if you have purchased from a responsible breeder,
they can also offer you their experienced opinions which may aid you
and or consult with their Health Care professionals and help you navigate the Veterinary BS.
KEEP IN MIND, to read your Purchase Agreement.
Bijou Poodles will NOT pay for any medical treatment or procedures
Buyer assumes any medical or legal bills as of the day of purchase.
Bijou Poodles does provide a Health Certificate attesting to the appearance of perfect health
of our pups the week, or sometimes even the day of purchase
Bijou Poodles does complete every conclusive OFA and DNA health test
to best ensure pups produced by us
have the best chance of having good Temperaments, Intelligence
and appear Physically healthy the day they leave us.
Anyone can return any of our pups, at any age, for any reason, for a refund
Minus any expenses we incur to rehabilitate, or get medically cleared
and for the price we rehome for, minus our deposit.
Healthy Paws Pet Care Insurance
Embrace Insurance
Pets Plus Us Insurance
Review of Pet Plus
Consumer Affairs Pet Insurance Compare
Your Dog Advisor on Insurance
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