Meet Our Poodles
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Contact us: bijoupoodles@yahoo.com

One of our mom's saying goodbye to her last puppy
When people come to pick up their puppy they may notice mom nosing around
Showing a great deal of interest in people holding one of her precious puppies.
A lot of times people interpret this to mean mom is grieving. She is not.
What people are seeing, is a bit of jealousy as to why "they", the mom, is not getting any attention.
Poodles do love being adored and fawned over.

Mom's may also act a bit nervous and this is because they pick up on the High energy
going on around them, because of the excitement of our puppy people, at seeing their puppy for the first time.
Mom is just trying to figure out what is going on with all these excited strangers, entering our home.

Mom's only clean up after and care for their pups, during the time that the pups are nursing off of her.
Our mom's decide it is time to stop when their pups get teeth and are able to eat semi solid foods.
Then the pups poops change and become something the moms also want nothing to do with.
My moms let me know when they are done with their pups because they won't spend any time with them.
They will wander in and out of the bedroom to see if the pups have any good food she can steal,
often new or inexperienced breeders, will think the moms are wanting back
with their pups...LOL nope, they just want the food.
I do let moms eat the left over food from the pups as means less for me to clean up.

Pups teeth start to erupt around 3-4 weeks of age which is the time mom stops nursing
as it is very painful at this point and exceptionally cruel of a breeder to force mom to stay with her pups.
Moms want nothing to do with their pups when pups turn 3- 4 weeks of age.
Even though it is more work for us breeders, to assume full responsibility for pups
it is the ONLY responsible way to raise pups and treat our Moms.
By the time new owners come to pick up their pups, the moms will have had
nothing to do with the pups for 4 weeks already. That is why our moms appear so fit and tucked up.

Pups are moved to their Puppy Box to learn how to potty train when mom weans them.
The job of feeding AND CLEANING, now falls onto the breeder and this transition
helps pups look to humans, as their new Provider and Pack Leader.
They learn bite inhibition, and play from siblings
they learn how to act and react from the breeder, during our introduction to many
new stimulus. Of course all along they have been getting Biosensor Stimulation
it is also when they begin their potty area training.
You can read about our puppy raising on our Puppy Development Page
Once our mom's have weaned their pups, moms get to join back into the normal household activities
and continue with any training activities, which they really miss when they are busy caring for pups,
and they get to run and play with their friends again.
We must be doing something right as we have produced many pups for Special Needs Homes
as well as Poodles that really do, "DO IT ALL".

We have VERY proud mom's, who take great care in cleaning and nurturing their pups.
Our mom's love showing off their pups to us and having us fawn over the precious pups that they produced.
But when their job is done, they are more than happy to get back to normalcy,
with no further worries or stresses of motherhood.

So "Do Mom's Miss Their Puppies"?
sure they do initially, but they get over it very quickly enjoying
having attention, and playing with their friends again.

Rufas giving our Ruby a kiss

One of our pups going home and their new owner