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Contact us: brownpoodles@yahoo.com
* Bijou Poodles are world famous for our CALM, Loving Natures *
*Beautiful, CORRECT, Conformation*
Bijou Poodles is proud to have raised and placed our pups in working dog homes.
Many people are surprised when they hear all that Standard Poodles
are doing including being used as Special Needs Service Dogs.
So I decided to build this page to offer some insight into what
our working Standard Poodles, are currently doing
and also what they can offer to someone with Special Needs.

(Bijou's Archer)
Bijou Standard Poodles has had our pups in the
Lion's Seeing Eye Dog Foundation Program to be used as Guide Dogs since 2003.
They still contact us yearly hoping to purchase one of our poodles for their breeding program.
Many people suffering from Allergies would not be able to have a Guide Dog
if it were not for the Standard Poodle being hypo allergenic.
Bijou Poodles have pups working as Migraine Alert Dogs, Seizure Alert Dogs
Diabetic Alert Dogs and Hearing Support Dogs
a funeral Comfort Dog, just to name a few Special Needs
that our Poodles assist their humans with
CKC Canine Good Neighbour
I believe breeder's should PROVE their Poodles Health, Abilities and Temperaments
through testing and titles, instead of sitting at home pumping out pups and just making empty claims
So my kids and I achieve titles, every year, and on every one of my Poodles.

(Paris raising my husband's spirits, after his surgery)
Poodles are wonderful pet Therapy dogs and we have had ours trained and certified as official
St. John Ambulance Therapy Dogs
Of course to read more about a Standard Poodle's natural protective instincts
*Click to read more about Paris's first hour with us
Bijou Standard Poodles is pleased to have placed
several of our pups in Special Need Homes
These owners, as of 2011, will be featured below.
We handed out St. Pat's/Easter photos to all the residents as well as our Chick-A-Doodle posters.
The people just "loved" them. I can't tell you how many times residents embraced the Puffs then planted kisses on their muzzles.
One woman looked at me with tears in her pretty blue eyes and mouthed ever so quietly,
"Oh, thank you so much for bringing them to see me, I just love them."
By the time we returned home, the Puffs were completely exhausted.
We'd done lots of walking and when you add to that the excitement of the environment, they were spent.
We look forward to another outing at an assisted living facility in early April.

Laurie and her Poodles also started a group called
Breast Cancer Awareness Poodles (BCAPs)
*2014 Click to read more Rollin's Poodle Therapy
Laurie Rollins

My wife Jane has written to you in the past, but I also felt it appropriate
for me to express my thanks to you for what has been an absolutely wonderful
experience as Margot's owner over the past nine years.
Although you probably have many owners thanking you for breeding such wonderful
dogs (and noting how affectionate and loving they are) Margot's influence has actually extended
far beyond just our own family. Especially in the last two and a half years she has positively
influenced literally hundreds of people.
For the past two and a half years I was in a leadership position in our local Church congregation
here in Utah, and I decided at the outset that I would make an effort to visit everyone in their home,
both those who were active in the Church and those who weren't, to offer whatever fellowship
and assistance we could in facing their various trials in life.
I had in mind the example of the English country vicar, where it is important to get out
and see the people where they lived, rather than just at Church on Sundays.
Many of our neighbors and most of the members of the congregation are elderly,
many are lonely widows or widowers, and a large number suffer from a variety of debilitating medical conditions.
So I set out to visit literally hundreds of people and of course I decided
that I would take Margot along with me on most of these visits.
Among other things, she made these visits a lot less threatening to those
who hadn't been in Church for a while, sometimes for many years.
In many cases I would knock on the door of person expecting only a short visit
and a negative reaction, but then Margot's kind and affectionate nature would save the day,
and the person would end up petting Margot for 20 or 30 minutes and in the meantime
we would have a great conversation. She was in many ways the congregation's best missionary!
Among other people we visited several times over the past couple of years was one of our long term inactive widows
whose husband had committed suicide about 10 years ago, and who had felt marginalized and had drifted away from the Church.
A year ago she said to me "I know what you are doing here -- you are using the dog to break the ice."
A month ago she remarried, and last Sunday she and her new husband showed up at Church.
This kind of thing happened repeatedly and I could tell you numerous stories of how with Margot's help
we were able to reestablish relationships and then when a crisis came along,
the family would already know that we really cared about them.
I'd also take Margot along with me when I visited many of the sick members in their homes,
including those with cancer or in hospice.
When you see someone who is suffering with cancer just embrace your dog and hug it
for long minutes, then you realize that God can use animals for his purposes.
So many people said to me "You should get a Church nametag for Margot"
that eventually I ordered one for her.
Of course there's not actually such a thing as K-9 missionaries in our Church,
but the children especially found the nametag endearing,
and there's no question that in her own way she went about doing God's work.
I've also attached a couple of photos of Margot going boating on a beautiful lake about 50 miles east of Salt Lake City.
There is of course a story here--one of the members of our congregation was a widower,
having lost his wife to cancer a year ago.
I thought that perhaps I could bring some joy into his life by taking one of my kayaks
and also my small rowing dinghy up to the lake, and then letting him kayak around the lake
while I followed him in the dinghy. As I was about to leave the house Jane said "You should take Margot along."
Well of course it turned out to be a wonderful day and together Margot and I brought some happiness into his life.
I can't thank you enough for all the joy you have brought
into our lives with Margot! She is exceptional in every way.
James G. - Sandy, Utah

Arnie (brown male Joy x Dream) is doing great. He has passed his beginner obedience. Now he is in advanced.
He is also started training for service dog.
He plays the fisher price piano, turns on and off the lights (still working on it) closes drawers in bathroom and picks up the remote.
In the next month or two will begin bringing him to the malls and stores.
He just turned 5 months and just over 50 lbs.
UPDATE 2013:

Arnie had his first full day of work yesterday. He went with us to London hospital
Thanks for everything.
Cathy B. - Tecumseh Ontario
Champion - "Bijou's Sienna Rosso Tramonto",
CGC, Animal Assisted Therapy Dog
~ October 21, 2012 ~
Sienna graduates her AAT-Animal Assisted Therapy Dog
(certified through CM Dog Training)
Sienna is an AKC Canine Good Citizen.

Kona" brown standard Poodle and his fostering family
Jim & Cheryl Shaver and their son Adam
Kona will be trained to be Adam's service dog and a therapy Dog

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that my mom and I and all "our" poodles
paid a visit to the Catholic Memorial nursing facility last Thursday and we had an awesome time.
As you know, my mom visits many places doing pet therapy and putting on
"shows" with her Irish Boys.
However, it was a real treat for the staff and residents to have me and my Puffs accompany my mom just last week.
Most had never seen such "big" poodles and they were in awe when they saw their color.
Ya just don't see many chocolate standard poodles around here.
The Cocoa Puffs followed the lead of their "professional" and "well-seasoned" Irish Boy cousins
and brought laughter, excitement and in many case even applause as we entered the various rooms.
We even had to get in tiny little elevators to go from one floor to the next (three floors total) and the Puffs
never balked, which was pretty darned impressive.
Gert got a kick outta' the elevators. She was always excited to see "who" was gonna' be on the other side
of the sliding door whenever it opened. When an elevator door opens and six poodles come prancing out, ya get a lot of attention.
d Citizen and has been Certified as a Service Dog (through Sienna's Trainer)
She retrieves my medication & phone when I have a seizure and was trained to "sense"
or smell the chemicals on my skin before an attack and warn me to get my meds....NOW!
She has alerted my 2 times already and I am able to drive because I have her.
Couldn't image my life without her. We are glued :) she goes everywhere with me
restaurants, hospitals, grocery shopping....we gets lots of attention....a Red Poodle !
Karen Winters - IL

I thought you may want to see how Charlie is doing!
18 months of age
He has gone national.
Arlene P. - Kamloops, BC

"Autumn" red standard Poodle female (Rose/Razz 2010).
Words could never express the love and joy we share with Autumn.
Her love and devotion to us is beyond imagination. We have done some service dog training
with her to assist my partner Loretta. When Autumn has her service dog vest on, her concentration is unbelievable...
she is transformed from playful to totally focused....she is amazing. When we are home or just out for a stroll,
should Loretta fall, Autumn will forget whatever she is doing and bolt to Loretta to make sure she is ok.
She has learned to brace herself so Loretta can use her to get up from the ground....but being she is only 2 years old,
not much pressure is put on her at this time.
Every morning rain, snow or sun we go to the dog park (fenced in area).
There she runs and plays with her friends....there isn't another dog that can run as fast as Autumn..
I tell everyone she takes after her daddy Razz. People are in awe to see her run....then later they will tell you she is such a LADY.
As you have told all your new owners, you cannot go anywhere without being stopped,
the latest comment I was told "she is beautiful, she is perfection". I can go on and on about our magnificent girl.
I have attached a few photo's of Autumn. The first 2 are in march when she was 2 years old, the next was in the December
and the last 2 were in October. Just wanted to let you see what a beautiful girl Autumn has become and to assure you she is loved
more than you could imagine. Thanks for all you do with Bijou Poodles.

I can't believe our girl is 3 years old.
I remember the day she was born and the day she joined our family.
Autumn is so dedicated and loving to us. Our world revolves her.
There isn't a time I/we go out that someone does not stop us to advise how beautiful she is.
Autumn is regal, sophisticated ..... A Lady !
Autumn continues to be dedicated to assist Loretta should she fall.
Should Autumn be sleeping, playing with other dogs or just be outside with us and Loretta falls,
Autumn is there to assist her in getting up before I take 3 steps ... Autumn is AMAZING.
Just wanted to say hello and let you see the beautiful girl that shares our lives,
Oh, Autumn stands 24 inches to the shoulder and weighs 55 pounds.
Autumn sends her love to Rose and Razz and especially you Laura for helping to bring her into this world.
Diane S. - Staten island, New York

Time goes fast, Autumn was 5 years old this March.
I remember the day we got the email that Rose gave birth, we were so excited.
Then following the growth of the puppies until she arrived to us on May 2010.
Autumn is such a magnificent dog, her beauty, her disposition, her loyalty, her love and so much more.
We have not had a day in our lives since Autumn joined our family that while outside some one has stopped us
to admire her and say a few words about her beauty and calmness. i just wanted to say hello and share a few photo's.
The first photo is Autumn working with Loretta as a service dog, the second photo is a typical morning getting brushed
and the third photo is a haircut after getting her winter growth cut off. The last photo is so you can see how beautiful Autumn is.
Our love and joy for and from Autumn is unending.
We thank you each day for the joy we have from our beautiful girl Bijou's Autumn Roze
(i changed the "s" to a "z" for Razz).
hope you enjoy the photo's
warmest regards,
Diane and Loretta
staten island, NY

*Click to read about "K-Lar's German Chocolate Bark", CGC, RN, Iron Dog
Niko's service dog training is going very well. Without any training from me he started alerting me to low blood sugars.
Sometimes, he even wakes me up, before I know I have a problem.
I haven't stressed this type of alert behavior yet, because I've been having some control issues
so I want to wait until I get things back to normal. It wouldn't seem fair to train alerts
when I'm so often out-of-desirable range. Our public access work is going extremely well.
I take care to set Niko up for successes and he is a champ. He goes into stores and restaurants with me
and we're even ready for the movie theater. He's never skittish with sirens or alarms
(well what did I expect with a firefighter as his breeder) and he seems even more calm
when he wears his working jacket. He has a little trouble in tight spaces, just because he's so big
but we're working on that. He can easily pick out a saliva sample taken during a low blood sugar episode
and we're going to be moving forward with that training very soon.
Kindest Regards,
Mary D. - Vermont

Beau & Aero and owner Ashlea with the Carting K9's
at the Whitby Santa Claus Parade and helping mom Ashlea
with Back packing and doing Therapy work

Just wanted to update you on Toffee. He is 2 years old and was a puppy from Java and Beau. He is REALLY big.
He weighs 87 lbs !!! We go to the huge off-leash area here that is the largest urban park (dog paradise) in North America,
so he is well muscled from lots of activity.
He continues to help me with my neurological disability. I have trained him to help me up the stairs when I am tired.
Whenever I go to the laundry room, he rushes over to stand beside me to balance me as I bend to get clothes.
If I loose my balance in the house, he's there like a shot. Today I was walking in the freshly fallen snow at the off-leash park,
and my brain got overworked and would not let me move my legs. So Toffee with his backpack (with a handle on it) pulled me all the way out.
He comes no matter what the distraction to help me down hills. He is always there if I need a hand with my balance.
And he has the height and weight that I was looking for so that he can be a real help.
I have taught him to brace me when I am standing or need to get up off the floor, bed, couch, whatever.
My 14 year old daughter can't go an hour without saying "Oh, he's such a sweet baby " He's a treasure to us !!
Thank you for our wonderful boy and for breeding the height and weight into your browns so that he could really be a help.
Oh, and everyone we meet loves how his tail has been undocked. It gives him such a lovely look. He is a big goof who knows I need him :)
God bless,
Carol P. - Calgary, Canada
Red Male ~ Tetley ~ Silver Collar (Rose x Razz)
We can't thank you enough for all of your help and support over Tetley!
You go above and beyond what most breeders do in helping your clients!
We are so thankful for you and for our puppy, Tetley, whom we love so much.
We are so relieved to be getting Tetley back home. We love everything about him,
including his unique colouring and his wonderful temperament. What is particularly special to me is that he has bonded with me
in a way that our previous poodle did not. He wags his little tail like crazy when he sees me or hears me
and tries to jump up to reach me in my wheelchair (which is a little awkward because we are trying to teach him not to jump up on people).
It will be better when he can reach me without having to jump up. In the meantime, I am cuddling him in my lap frequently.
Tetley has already been attracting a large crowd of admirers before he even arrived. We have been showing
all of our friends the videos and photographs, and even people who are friends of friends have bought Tetley a gift.
Your husband is right - this dog is so special for us, especially after all of the challenges that we have gone through the last two years.
He will indeed be a very precious member of our family!
I really missed Maddie, our last poodle but did not want to get another dog until we were ready.
Tetley has already pooped and peed quickly after going outside three times and has quietly settled for two naps in the larger crate
(made smaller with a box inside) without any fuss. He has such a wonderful temperament and he will be a delight to train in the next coming months.
He has already attempted to climb up my wheelchair to reach me and I know that we will be able to train him to pick things up for me
and put them on my tray very easily when he is ready.
I promise I won't bore you with regular updates, but I wanted you to know that we had a very good night with Tetley.
Catherine has to turn me in bed two times a night to prevent pressure sores, so she lets Tetley out for toileting during those turns.
Each time she put him back into his crate, he whimpered for a minute or two because he seemed to want to play, but settled very quickly within minutes.
Each time, Catherine was careful not to engage with him apart from praising him when he peed, but remained quiet through out the whole process.
We are thrilled with how well he is adjusting, peeing quickly after being let out, and becoming quiet quickly after we crate him for his naps.
He is also eating well (surprise, surprise! lol) and playing well. We love him so much!
You certainly have conditioned him very well to adjust easily to new situations and he has exceeded all our hopes and expectations.
UPDATE 1 year of age
Tetley, silver-collar boy of Razz and Rose, is one year old today.
He weighs 23 kilos (50.6 lbs.) and is 25 ½ inches tall at the shoulders.
He is an absolute joy and is a very affectionate and social dog. He is a bit of a showstopper whenever we are out walking him
and people are struck by his red colour. Most of the neighborhood know him and call him by name.
He is extremely friendly with all people and dogs that he meets and hasn't met a dog or a person yet that he doesn't want to play with.
He has adapted completely to my wheelchair and climbs up across my lap, or rests his head across my feet
and looks up at me sideways with his beautiful amber eyes, looking for affection and attention.
He is a beautiful, loving dog and a treasured member of our family.
Karen M. & Catherine E. - New Hamburg, Ontario

Couldn't resist sending you these photos. Zazu, now weighing 57 lbs.
is the most lovable animal I have ever known. He is extremely curious to the point of almost being annoying,
but something happened recently that has given me cause to place him in the extraordinary "sensory" category.
I had a sore on my leg that wouldn't go away, and one Zazu kept sniffing even when I tried to shoo him away.
After weeks of his annoyance, I thought I had better go to the dermatologist & have it checked.
The biopsy came back as a Sqeamous cancer & was surgically removed 2 days ago.
If Zazu hadn't persisted, I may have waited too long & it could have become a melanoma.
Now I always listen more closely to what he is trying to tell me. I have heard numerous stories like this,
but never thought I'd find our dear "Z" would be one of them !
Baako has become a therapy dog !!! His father would be proud of him.
We have visited the re-hab center here many times and have just gotten clearance to go to the Juvenile Detention Center.
I think that will be so rewarding to both of us. He's also in the mid 50 lbs. range, a bit taller than Zazu, but Zazu is "thee boss"!
They are playmates and soul mates every minute of the day, and even when Zazu lies down on top of Baako, Baako doesn't move.
How amazing that their personalities mesh so well. We continue to thank you in our minds for such great breedings.
We hope you've had a great year so far and we will continue to watch your website to see what is going on with your furry friends.
Sandy and (Marv) G. - ABQ


I just got back from the nursing home. I took a couple of pics of Java. Mom loves to brush her and Java sits so patiently.
I push mom around in her wheel chair and she holds on to Java's leash and away we go.
We usually have 3-4 extra people walking with us on our walk. Everyone in the nursing home loves Java and Java is perfect.
As soon as someone says "oh look at the dog" Java stops and turns towards them to greet them.
Its like she has been doing this all of her life. If I decide to go and visit mom without her....she gets very annoyed with me and goes off and sulks.
Once I get home I take her out and then she goes bananas. Runs like heck. Another thing is she loves to chase the squirrels
and she sits on the front porch, like a statue, and watches the chipmunks. WE had a close call yesterday.
Mark took her out for a romp and just as they were walking towards the field, a porcupine walks out in front of them.
Just as Java got interested, Mark yelled at her to come and she did. Thank God. She is so well behaved.
I do a little work with her every day, just to remind her of everything you have taught her.
I will go for now and will be in touch again. Oh...the picture of her with the basket on her neck...
the basket is Lucy's toy basket. Lucy doesn't play with her toys anymore so Java decided to get them out of the basket
and got the basket caught around her neck. She was quite embarrassed and annoyed at me for laughing at her.
Christine and Mark G. - Ontario

~ June 2012 ~
Razz achieves his NWDA Weight Pulling Title
Pullling 555 lbs on wheels and placing 3rd
Pulling 675 lbs on wheels and placing 3rd
youtube video
Iditarod Standard Poodle Team
Check them out on Jonny Carson
One day, John Suter went along for a snowmobile ride and was amazed that his miniature poodle
could keep up with the snowmobile, at a reasonable speed.
He decided to race standard poodles in the 1976 Chugiak Sled Dog Race.
The poodles enjoyed running so much that they competed in the Iditarod Sled Dog Race in 1988 thru 1991.
The poodles finished all four Iditarod Races, towards the middle of the pack.
John and his poodles, also ran the John Beargrease 500 mile sled dog race in Duluth, Minnesota.
Today, he enjoys spending time with his poodles, by going out on hiking trips.
(We believe this is "Tudorose Slash-All" ??)
Standard Poodles are also great protectors and we have also trained for Schutzhund.

~ July 12, 2014 ~
Orangeville, ON
Saugeen Schutzhund Club
SV Judge: Bogdan Sergo
Crystal and Finnegan earn a Schutzhund BH Title
They are only the 5th confirmed Standard Poodle team
to earn this prestigious tittle in the WORLD !!
and of course the first RED STANDARD POODLE !!

Poodles were originally Water Retriever Dogs and enjoy being your hunting partner
This is our Tess who enjoys hunting season in Quebec for Pheasants, every year with her owner.

Bijou Poodles bred and own the first Standard Poodles in history, to obtain AKC and UKC Lure Coursing Titles
A lot of people see many of our Poodles functioning as Physical Helpers & Special Needs Dogs
and think, "I have a mental disability and I can use help too"
Well there is a huge difference between teaching a baby Poodle
to stand steady, pick things up, bring owners items, basically being taught
to do physical things, with praise and encouragement (all positive)
than asking a baby poodle to mentally process emotional the needs
and wants of their humans who are in distress.
When they, young baby Poodles, are still mentally developing and trying to process life themselves.
They need to have an owner that has the mental strength to help them grow up
confident, fearless and to have trust with their humans, who need to be Pack Leaders.
I can't stress enough to people that our puppies are "baby" poodles
We lay the foundation for them to be calm, confident and fearless, but they will still be
looking to new Owners for guidance in how to act, and how to react in any given situation.
Would you expect a 6 month old "human" baby to help you cope with life ? Answer is NO.
So how can you expect a Poodle "baby" to prop you up, and help you cope, and comfort you
when they are still learning, and they need guidance, and help dealing with THEIR life ?
YOU CAN'T !!!!
Please consider the welfare of a Poodle Puppy, before your own perceived needs.
If you can't cope with life situations/stressors, then you can't teach a Poodle baby how to cope or react !
Matter of fact you will seriously mentally harm, one of our pups.
If you want a Poodle for PTSD and or Anxiety (what ever label you prefer to have)
then seriously consider an Adult Poodle who is already cemented in their mental growth.
They will be able to handle your inability to cope with life, and will be able to comfort.
Many breeders have retired Poodles and one that has titles in Dog sports
proves their intelligence and ability to cope in stressful situations
You won't need to guess or hope that you have a dog that can help you.
You will be pretty much guaranteed of this when you obtain an adult Poodle with titles.